Recommended Reading

Want to find out more about foreskin restoration and/or circumcision?

There is nothing like a good book. What follows is a selection of our favorites. For websites and organizations with more information on circumcision see our information and advocacy page.

The Joy of Uncircumcising by Jim Bigelow Ph.D. is the definitive reference for information on restoration and the history of circumcision.

Paperback, 242 pages, 2nd Edition (1994) ISBN 093406122X

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Unspeakable Mutilations: Circumcised Men Speak Out – After a brief introduction this anthology is filled with stories from men, written in their own words, about how circumcision and/or foreskin restoration has affected their life. Paperback, 218 pages, 2 edition (June 20, 2014), ISBN-10: 1495266575

The Measure of His Grief is a fictional story about a Jewish physician who becomes aware of his own circumcision and the possibility of foreskin restoration. He then wages a campaign against infant circumcision while becoming more deeply committed to Judaism in the process.

Paperback, 352 pages, Published by CreateSpace (September 2010) ISBN: 1453720251

Doctors Re-examine Circumcision by Thomas J. Ritter and Dr. George Denniston.

Paperback, 96 pages Published by Third Millennium Pubns (August 8, 2001) ISBN 0971187800 (The previous edition of Doctors Re-examine Circumcision was called is Say No to Circumcision, ISBN 0934061300, 128 pages, Hourglass Book Publishing)

Marked In Your Flesh: Circumcision From Ancient Judea To Modern America by Leonard B. Glick

With comprehensive and academic coverage of the history of circumcision in Judaism this book makes the case against continuing the practice of circumcision in Judaism.

Hardcover, 370 pages Published by Oxford University Press (June, 2005) ISBN 019517674X

A Surgical Temptation : The Demonization of the Foreskin and the Rise of Circumcision in Britain by Robert Darby.

This book covers the history of circumcision in Britain.

Hardcover, 368 pages, Published by University Of Chicago Press (August 1, 2005) ISBN 0226136450

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About: Circumcision: Untold Facts on America’s Most Widely Perfomed – and Most Unnecessary – Surgery by Paul M. Fleiss and Frederick M. Hodges

A leading pediatrician exposes the myths and misconceptions of America’s most commonly performed surgery, including little-known religious support for not circumcising, in this balanced, comprehensive, and compassionate guide that will change your mind about everything you thought you knew about this procedure. Discover the six common (and fallacious) reasons doctors give when recommending circumcision-and a parent’s best counterarguments and responses.

Paperback, 352 pages, Warner Books Inc; First Edition edition (2002) ISBN-10: 0446678805

Circumcision, The Hidden Trauma : How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All by Ronald Goldman

Paperback, 320 pages, Vanguard Publications (February 1997) ISBN-10: 0964489538

Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy by George C. Denniston (Editor), Marilyn Fayre Milos (Editor)

Hardcover, 237 pages, Springer; 1 edition (January 1997) ISBN-10: 0306455897

Other Books that may be of interest:

Secret Wounds by Hanny Lightfoot-KleinAn excellent book on the history of, and current movements against, genital mutilations of all kinds. Has one chapter on male circumcision. Paperback, 224 pages, Published by Authorhouse (February 2003), ISBN 140339699X

I Want My Foreskin For Giftmas by Carl  J. Schutt. This “non-children’s” book lyrically chronicles the journey of a boy searching for the skin cut from him at birth. After an unsuccessful confrontation with his parents, and guided by advice from his slain member, he darts to the mall to tell Santa, “I Want My Foreskin For Giftmas!” ISBN 0-9753202-6-2

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